Together We Can Make a Difference

Contingency Search

Collaborate With a Results-Oriented Recruiting Team

At National Staffing Consultants, we don’t simply fill job openings. Our contingency search recruiters deliver better fit talent for our clients. Through our industry experience, vast network of contacts, and hands on approach to hiring, we know how to find those candidates who will make the most positive impact on your organization. Our executive search firm will find the employee you need to better your business.

When to Use a Contingency Search

A contingency search is ideal for staff and professional level positions. Our recruitment specialists will work to source, screen, and evaluate candidates on your behalf. We will then provide you with a short list of only the most qualified candidates for you to interview before making a final selection.

Payment Structure for Contingency Searches

With a contingency search, a fee is only collected if we find and place a suitable candidate for your position. In other words, if we don’t deliver, we don’t get paid. We also offer 30, 60 and 90 day pro-rated guarantees.

If you’re interested in learning more about our contingency search services, please contact National Staffing Consultants today.